Interface MathMLMultiScriptsElement

All Superinterfaces:
Element, MathMLElement, MathMLPresentationElement, Node
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface MathMLMultiScriptsElement
extends MathMLPresentationElement

This interface extends the MathMLPresentationElement interface for the MathML multiscripts (including prescripts or tensors) element mmultiscripts.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.w3c.dom.Node
Method Summary
 MathMLElement getBase()
          A MathMLElement representing the base of the script.
 int getNumprescriptcolumns()
          The number of script/subscript columns preceding (to the left of) the base.
 int getNumscriptcolumns()
          The number of script/subscript columns following (to the right of) the base.
 MathMLNodeList getPrescripts()
          A NodeList representing the prescripts of the script, which appear in the order described by the expression (prescript presuperscript)*.
 MathMLElement getPreSubScript(int colIndex)
          A convenience method to retrieve pre-subscript children of the element, referenced by column index .
 MathMLElement getPreSuperScript(int colIndex)
          A convenience method to retrieve pre-superscript children of the element, referenced by column index .
 MathMLNodeList getScripts()
          A MathMLNodeList representing the scripts of the script, which appear in the order described by the expression (script superscript)*.
 MathMLElement getSubScript(int colIndex)
          A convenience method to retrieve subscript children of the element, referenced by column index.
 String getSubscriptshift()
          A string representing the minimum amount to shift the baseline of the subscripts down, if specified; this is the element's subscriptshift attribute.
 MathMLElement getSuperScript(int colIndex)
          A convenience method to retrieve superscript children of the element, referenced by column index .
 String getSuperscriptshift()
          A string representing the minimum amount to shift the baseline of the superscripts up, if specified; this is the element's superscriptshift attribute.
 MathMLElement insertPreSubScriptBefore(int colIndex, MathMLElement newScript)
          A convenience method to insert a pre-subscript before the position referenced by column index.
 MathMLElement insertPreSuperScriptBefore(int colIndex, MathMLElement newScript)
          A convenience method to insert a pre-superscript before the position referenced by column index.
 MathMLElement insertSubScriptBefore(int colIndex, MathMLElement newScript)
          A convenience method to insert a subscript before the position referenced by column index.
 MathMLElement insertSuperScriptBefore(int colIndex, MathMLElement newScript)
          A convenience method to insert a superscript before the position referenced by column index.
 void setBase(MathMLElement base)
          setter for the base attribute.
 MathMLElement setPreSubScriptAt(int colIndex, MathMLElement newScript)
          A convenience method to set the pre-subscript child at the position referenced by colIndex.
 MathMLElement setPreSuperScriptAt(int colIndex, MathMLElement newScript)
          A convenience method to set the pre-superscript child at the position referenced by colIndex.
 MathMLElement setSubScriptAt(int colIndex, MathMLElement newScript)
          A convenience method to set the subscript child at the position referenced by colIndex.
 void setSubscriptshift(String subscriptshift)
          setter for the subscriptshift attribute.
 MathMLElement setSuperScriptAt(int colIndex, MathMLElement newScript)
          A convenience method to set the superscript child at the position referenced by colIndex.
 void setSuperscriptshift(String superscriptshift)
          setter for the superscriptshift attribute.
Methods inherited from interface org.w3c.dom.mathml.MathMLElement
getClassName, getHref, getId, getMathElementStyle, getOwnerMathElement, getXref, setClassName, setHref, setId, setMathElementStyle, setXref
Methods inherited from interface org.w3c.dom.Element
getAttribute, getAttributeNode, getAttributeNodeNS, getAttributeNS, getElementsByTagName, getElementsByTagNameNS, getSchemaTypeInfo, getTagName, hasAttribute, hasAttributeNS, removeAttribute, removeAttributeNode, removeAttributeNS, setAttribute, setAttributeNode, setAttributeNodeNS, setAttributeNS, setIdAttribute, setIdAttributeNode, setIdAttributeNS
Methods inherited from interface org.w3c.dom.Node
appendChild, cloneNode, compareDocumentPosition, getAttributes, getBaseURI, getChildNodes, getFeature, getFirstChild, getLastChild, getLocalName, getNamespaceURI, getNextSibling, getNodeName, getNodeType, getNodeValue, getOwnerDocument, getParentNode, getPrefix, getPreviousSibling, getTextContent, getUserData, hasAttributes, hasChildNodes, insertBefore, isDefaultNamespace, isEqualNode, isSameNode, isSupported, lookupNamespaceURI, lookupPrefix, normalize, removeChild, replaceChild, setNodeValue, setPrefix, setTextContent, setUserData

Method Detail


String getSubscriptshift()
A string representing the minimum amount to shift the baseline of the subscripts down, if specified; this is the element's subscriptshift attribute.

value of the subscriptshift attribute.


void setSubscriptshift(String subscriptshift)
setter for the subscriptshift attribute.

subscriptshift - new value for subscriptshift.
See Also:


String getSuperscriptshift()
A string representing the minimum amount to shift the baseline of the superscripts up, if specified; this is the element's superscriptshift attribute.

value of the superscriptshift attribute.


void setSuperscriptshift(String superscriptshift)
setter for the superscriptshift attribute.

superscriptshift - new value for superscriptshift.
See Also:


MathMLElement getBase()
A MathMLElement representing the base of the script. This is the first child of the element.

value of the base attribute.


void setBase(MathMLElement base)
setter for the base attribute.

base - new value for base.
See Also:


MathMLNodeList getPrescripts()
A NodeList representing the prescripts of the script, which appear in the order described by the expression (prescript presuperscript)*. This is the same as traversing the contents of the NodeList returned by Node::childNodes() from the Node following the mprescripts (if present) to the end of the list.

value of the prescripts attribute.


MathMLNodeList getScripts()
A MathMLNodeList representing the scripts of the script, which appear in the order described by the expression (script superscript)*. This is the same as traversing the contents of the NodeList returned by Node::childNodes() from the first Node up to and including the Node preceding the mprescripts (if present).

value of the scripts attribute.


int getNumprescriptcolumns()
The number of script/subscript columns preceding (to the left of) the base. Should always be half of getprescripts().length()

value of the numprescriptcolumns attribute.


int getNumscriptcolumns()
The number of script/subscript columns following (to the right of) the base. Should always be half of getscripts().length()

value of the numscriptcolumns attribute.


MathMLElement getPreSubScript(int colIndex)
A convenience method to retrieve pre-subscript children of the element, referenced by column index .

colIndex - Column index of prescript (where 1 represents the leftmost prescript column).
Returns the MathMLElement representing the colIndex-th presubscript (to the left of the base, counting from 1 at the far left). Note that this may be the MathMLElement corresponding to the special element none in the case of a missing presubscript (see the discussion of mmultiscripts), or it may be null if colIndex is out of range for the element.


MathMLElement getSubScript(int colIndex)
A convenience method to retrieve subscript children of the element, referenced by column index.

colIndex - Column index of script (where 1 represents the leftmost script column, the first to the right of the base).
Returns the MathMLElement representing the colIndex-th subscript to the right of the base. Note that this may be the MathMLElement corresponding to the special element none in the case of a missing subscript (see the discussion of mmultiscripts), or it may be null if colIndex is out of range for the element.


MathMLElement getPreSuperScript(int colIndex)
A convenience method to retrieve pre-superscript children of the element, referenced by column index .

colIndex - Column index of pre-superscript (where 1 represents the leftmost prescript column).
Returns the MathMLElement representing the colIndex-th presuperscript (to the left of the base, counting from 1 at the far left). Note that this may be the MathMLElement corresponding to the special element none in the case of a missing presuperscript (see the discussion of mmultiscripts), or it may be null if colIndex is out of range for the element.


MathMLElement getSuperScript(int colIndex)
A convenience method to retrieve superscript children of the element, referenced by column index .

colIndex - Column index of script (where 1 represents the leftmost script column, the first to the right of the base)
Returns the MathMLElement representing the colIndex-th superscript to the right of the base. Note that this may be the MathMLElement corresponding to the special element none in the case of a missing superscript (see the discussion of mmultiscripts), or it may be null if colIndex is out of range for the element.


MathMLElement insertPreSubScriptBefore(int colIndex,
                                       MathMLElement newScript)
                                       throws DOMException
A convenience method to insert a pre-subscript before the position referenced by column index. If colIndex is 0, the new pre-subscript is appended as the last pre-subscript of the mmultiscripts element; if colIndex is 1, a new pre-subscript is prepended at the far left. Note that inserting a new pre-subscript will cause the insertion of an empty pre-superscript in the same column.

colIndex - Column index of pre-subscript (where 1 represents the leftmost prescript column).
newScript - A MathMLElement representing the element to be inserted as a pre-subscript.
The MathMLElement child of this MathMLMultiScriptsElement representing the new script in the DOM.
DOMException - HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if newScript represents an element that cannot be a pre-subscript. INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if colIndex is greater than the number of pre-scripts of the element.


MathMLElement setPreSubScriptAt(int colIndex,
                                MathMLElement newScript)
                                throws DOMException
A convenience method to set the pre-subscript child at the position referenced by colIndex. If there is currently a pre-subscript at this position, it is replaced by newScript.

colIndex - Column index of pre-subscript (where 1 represents the leftmost prescript column).
newScript - MathMLElement representing the element that is to be set as the colIndex-th pre-subscript child of this element.
The MathMLElement child of this MathMLMultiScriptsElement representing the new pre-subscript in the DOM.
DOMException - HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if newScript represents an element that cannot be a pre-subscript. INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if colIndex is greater than one more than the number of pre-scripts of the element.


MathMLElement insertSubScriptBefore(int colIndex,
                                    MathMLElement newScript)
                                    throws DOMException
A convenience method to insert a subscript before the position referenced by column index. If colIndex is 0, the new subscript is appended as the last subscript of the mmultiscripts element; if colIndex is 1, a new subscript is prepended at the far left. Note that inserting a new subscript will cause the insertion of an empty superscript in the same column.

colIndex - Column index of subscript, where 1 represents the leftmost script column (the first to the right of the base).
newScript - A MathMLElement representing the element to be inserted as a subscript.
The MathMLElement child of this MathMLMultiScriptsElement that represents the new subscript in the DOM.
DOMException - HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if newScript represents an element that cannot be a subscript. INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if colIndex is greater than the number of scripts of the element.


MathMLElement setSubScriptAt(int colIndex,
                             MathMLElement newScript)
                             throws DOMException
A convenience method to set the subscript child at the position referenced by colIndex. If there is currently a subscript at this position, it is replaced by newScript.

colIndex - Column index of subscript, where 1 represents the leftmost script column (the first to the right of the base).
newScript - MathMLElement representing the element that is to be set as the colIndex-th subscript child of this element.
The MathMLElement child of this element representing the new subscript in the DOM.
DOMException - HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if newScript represents an element that cannot be a subscript. INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if colIndex is greater than one more than the number of scripts of the element.


MathMLElement insertPreSuperScriptBefore(int colIndex,
                                         MathMLElement newScript)
                                         throws DOMException
A convenience method to insert a pre-superscript before the position referenced by column index. If colIndex is 0, the new pre-superscript is appended as the last pre-superscript of the mmultiscripts element; if colIndex is 1, a new pre-superscript is prepended at the far left. Note that inserting a new pre-superscript will cause the insertion of an empty pre-subscript in the same column.

colIndex - Column index of pre-superscript (where 1 represents the leftmost prescript column).
newScript - A MathMLElement representing the element to be inserted as a pre-superscript.
The MathMLElement child of this element that represents the new pre-superscript in the DOM.
DOMException - HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if newScript represents an element that cannot be a pre-superscript. INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if colIndex is greater than the number of pre-scripts of the element.


MathMLElement setPreSuperScriptAt(int colIndex,
                                  MathMLElement newScript)
                                  throws DOMException
A convenience method to set the pre-superscript child at the position referenced by colIndex. If there is currently a pre-superscript at this position, it is replaced by newScript.

colIndex - Column index of pre-superscript (where 1 represents the leftmost prescript column).
newScript - MathMLElement representing the element that is to be set as the colIndex-th pre-superscript child of this element.
The MathMLElement child of this element that represents the new pre-superscript in the DOM.
DOMException - HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if newScript represents an element that cannot be a pre-superscript. INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if colIndex is greater than one more than the number of pre-scripts of the element.


MathMLElement insertSuperScriptBefore(int colIndex,
                                      MathMLElement newScript)
                                      throws DOMException
A convenience method to insert a superscript before the position referenced by column index. If colIndex is 0, the new superscript is appended as the last superscript of the mmultiscripts element; if colIndex is 1, a new superscript is prepended at the far left. Note that inserting a new superscript will cause the insertion of an empty subscript in the same column.

colIndex - Column index of superscript, where 1 represents the leftmost script column (the first to the right of the base).
newScript - A MathMLElement representing the element to be inserted as a superscript.
The MathMLElement child of this element that represents the new superscript in the DOM.
DOMException - HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if newScript represents an element that cannot be a superscript. INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if colIndex is greater than the number of scripts of the element.


MathMLElement setSuperScriptAt(int colIndex,
                               MathMLElement newScript)
                               throws DOMException
A convenience method to set the superscript child at the position referenced by colIndex. If there is currently a superscript at this position, it is replaced by newScript.

colIndex - Column index of superscript, where 1 represents the leftmost script column (the first to the right of the base).
newScript - MathMLElement representing the element that is to be set as the colIndex-th superscript child of this element.
The MathMLElement child of this element that represents the new superscript in the DOM.
DOMException - HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if newScript represents an element that cannot be a superscript. INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if colIndex is greater than one more than the number of scripts of the element.

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