Uses of Interface

Packages that use IBiNode

Uses of IBiNode in net.sourceforge.jeuclid.biparser

Classes in net.sourceforge.jeuclid.biparser that implement IBiNode
 class AbstractBiNode
          this class is used to store typical information about a xml-node.
 class BiNode
          this class is used to store specific information about a composite xml-node.
 class EmptyNode
          this class is used to store specific information about a empty node. the node cannot have children, but a sibling
 class TextNode
          this class is used to store specific information about a text node. the node cannot have a child nor a sibling

Methods in net.sourceforge.jeuclid.biparser that return IBiNode
 IBiNode BiNode.getChild()
          get the child of the node.
 IBiNode IBiNode.getPrevious()
          get previous node, null if node is root.
 IBiNode AbstractBiNode.getPrevious()
          get previous node, null if node is root.
 IBiNode BiTreeCreationHelper.getRoot()
          get root of BiTree.
 IBiNode BiTree.getRoot()
          get root of BiTree.
 IBiNode IBiNode.getSibling()
          get sibling node, can be null.
 IBiNode AbstractBiNode.getSibling()
          get sibling node, can be null.

Methods in net.sourceforge.jeuclid.biparser with parameters of type IBiNode
 void BiNode.addChild(IBiNode c)
          add a child to this node, if node has already a child, forward to child.
 void IBiNode.addSibling(IBiNode sibl)
          add sibling to a node, not possible at a textnode. if node already has a sibling, forward to sibling.
 void AbstractBiNode.addSibling(IBiNode sibl)
          add sibling to a node, not possible at a textnode. if node already has a sibling, forward to sibling.
 void BiNode.setChild(IBiNode c)
          set child for this node.
 void IBiNode.setPrevious(IBiNode prev)
          set previous for this node.
 void AbstractBiNode.setPrevious(IBiNode prev)
          set previous for this node.
 void BiTree.setRoot(IBiNode r)
          set a new root in BiTree.
 void IBiNode.setSibling(IBiNode sibl)
          set sibling for this node and set previous of sibling to this.
 void AbstractBiNode.setSibling(IBiNode sibl)
          set sibling for this node and set previous of sibling to this.

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