Uses of Interface

Packages that use MathMLContentElement
org.w3c.dom.mathml Standard MathML DOM Model. 

Uses of MathMLContentElement in org.w3c.dom.mathml

Subinterfaces of MathMLContentElement in org.w3c.dom.mathml
 interface MathMLApplyElement
          The apply element allows a function or operator to be applied to its arguments.
 interface MathMLBvarElement
          This interface represents the MathML bound variable element bvar.
 interface MathMLCaseElement
          The piece element represents one of a sequence of cases used in the piecewise definition of a function.
 interface MathMLCiElement
          The ci element is used to specify a symbolic name.
 interface MathMLCnElement
          The cn element is used to specify actual numeric constants.
 interface MathMLConditionElement
          The condition element is used to place a condition on one or more free variables or identifiers.
 interface MathMLContentContainer
          This interface supports the MathML Content elements that may contain child Content elements.
 interface MathMLContentToken
          This is the interface from which the interfaces representing the MathML Content token elements (ci, cn and csymbol) are derived.
 interface MathMLCsymbolElement
          This interface represents the csymbol element.
 interface MathMLDeclareElement
          The declare construct has two primary roles.
 interface MathMLFnElement
          The fn element makes explicit the fact that a more general MathML object is intended to be used in the same manner as if it were a pre-defined function such as sin or plus.
 interface MathMLIntervalElement
          The interval element is used to represent simple mathematical intervals on the real number line.
 interface MathMLLambdaElement
          The lambda element is used to construct a user-defined function from an expression and one or more free variables.
 interface MathMLListElement
          The list element is the container element which represents a list of elements.
 interface MathMLMatrixElement
          The matrix element is the container element for matrixrow elements.
 interface MathMLMatrixrowElement
          The matrixrow element is the container element for the elements of a matrix.
 interface MathMLPiecewiseElement
          The piecewise element represents the piecewise definition of a function.
 interface MathMLPredefinedSymbol
          This interface supports all of the empty built-in operator, relation, function, and constant and symbol elements that have the definitionURL and encoding attributes in addition to the standard set of attributes.
 interface MathMLSetElement
          The set element is the container element that represents a set of elements.
 interface MathMLTendsToElement
          The tendsto element expresses that a quantity is tending to a specified value.
 interface MathMLVectorElement
          vector is the container element for a vector.

Methods in org.w3c.dom.mathml that return MathMLContentElement
 MathMLContentElement MathMLCaseElement.getCaseCondition()
          Accesses the MathMLContentElement representing the condition to be satisfied in order for this branch of the piecewise definition to be used.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLPiecewiseElement.getCaseCondition(int index)
          A convenience method to retrieve the child of the piece at the position referenced by index which gives the condition for this case.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLCaseElement.getCaseValue()
          Accesses the MathMLContentElement representing the value to be taken by the piecewise function when the condition described by caseCondition is true.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLPiecewiseElement.getCaseValue(int index)
          A convenience method to retrieve the child of the indexth piece in this element which specifies the function value for that case.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLVectorElement.getComponent(int index)
          A convenience method to retrieve a component.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLIntervalElement.getEnd()
          A MathMLContentElement representing the real number defining the end of the interval.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLMatrixrowElement.getEntry(int index)
          A convenience method to retrieve the contents of an entry by index.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLPiecewiseElement.getOtherwise()
          Returns a MathMLContentElement representing the value to be taken by the piecewise function when none of the conditions described in the piece children is true.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLIntervalElement.getStart()
          A MathMLContentElement representing the real number defining the start of the interval.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLVectorElement.insertComponent(MathMLContentElement newComponent, int index)
          A convenience method to insert a new component in the vector before the current index-th component.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLMatrixrowElement.insertEntry(MathMLContentElement newEntry, int index)
          A convenience method to insert an entry before the current index-th entry of the row.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLVectorElement.removeComponent(int index)
          A convenience method to remove a component from a vector and return it to the caller.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLMatrixrowElement.removeEntry(int index)
          A convenience method to remove an entry from the row and return the removed entry to the caller.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLPiecewiseElement.setCaseCondition(int index, MathMLContentElement condition)
          A convenience method to set the condition for the indexth piece in this element.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLPiecewiseElement.setCaseValue(int index, MathMLContentElement value)
          A convenience method to set the function value for the indexth piece in this element.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLVectorElement.setComponent(MathMLContentElement newComponent, int index)
          A convenience method to set the index-th component of the vector to newComponent.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLMatrixrowElement.setEntry(MathMLContentElement newEntry, int index)
          A convenience method to set the contents of the entry at position index in the row to newEntry.

Methods in org.w3c.dom.mathml with parameters of type MathMLContentElement
 MathMLContentElement MathMLVectorElement.insertComponent(MathMLContentElement newComponent, int index)
          A convenience method to insert a new component in the vector before the current index-th component.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLMatrixrowElement.insertEntry(MathMLContentElement newEntry, int index)
          A convenience method to insert an entry before the current index-th entry of the row.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLPiecewiseElement.setCaseCondition(int index, MathMLContentElement condition)
          A convenience method to set the condition for the indexth piece in this element.
 void MathMLCaseElement.setCaseCondition(MathMLContentElement caseCondition)
          setter for the caseCondition attribute.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLPiecewiseElement.setCaseValue(int index, MathMLContentElement value)
          A convenience method to set the function value for the indexth piece in this element.
 void MathMLCaseElement.setCaseValue(MathMLContentElement caseValue)
          setter for the caseValue attribute.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLVectorElement.setComponent(MathMLContentElement newComponent, int index)
          A convenience method to set the index-th component of the vector to newComponent.
 void MathMLIntervalElement.setEnd(MathMLContentElement end)
          setter for the end attribute.
 MathMLContentElement MathMLMatrixrowElement.setEntry(MathMLContentElement newEntry, int index)
          A convenience method to set the contents of the entry at position index in the row to newEntry.
 void MathMLPiecewiseElement.setOtherwise(MathMLContentElement otherwise)
          setter for the otherwise attribute.
 void MathMLIntervalElement.setStart(MathMLContentElement start)
          setter for the start attribute.

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