Project Dependencies


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Optional
net.sourceforge.jeuclid ams-fonts 1.0 jar No
net.sourceforge.jeuclid dejavu-fonts 2.26 jar No
net.sourceforge.jeuclid jeuclid-cli 3.1.5-SNAPSHOT jar No
net.sourceforge.jeuclid jeuclid-core 3.1.5-SNAPSHOT jar No
net.sourceforge.jeuclid jeuclid-fop 3.1.5-SNAPSHOT jar No
net.sourceforge.jeuclid jeuclid-mathviewer 3.1.5-SNAPSHOT jar No
net.sourceforge.jeuclid jeuclid-swt 3.1.5-SNAPSHOT jar No
net.sourceforge.jeuclid stix-fonts 1.0-beta-2 jar No
org.apache.xmlgraphics batik-svggen 1.7 jar Yes
org.freehep freehep-graphicsio-emf 2.1.1 jar Yes
org.freehep freehep-graphicsio-gif 1.2.3 jar Yes
org.freehep freehep-graphicsio-pdf 2.1.1 jar Yes
org.freehep freehep-graphicsio-ps 2.1.1 jar Yes
org.freehep freehep-graphicsio-swf 2.1.1 jar Yes


The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Classifier Type
org.testng testng 5.8 jdk15 jar

Project Transitive Dependencies

The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type AppleJavaExtensions 1.2 jar
commons-cli commons-cli 1.1 jar
commons-io commons-io 1.3.1 jar
commons-lang commons-lang 2.4 jar
commons-logging commons-logging 1.1.1 jar
jdom jdom 1.0 jar
org.apache.xmlgraphics batik-anim 1.7 jar
org.apache.xmlgraphics batik-awt-util 1.7 jar
org.apache.xmlgraphics batik-css 1.7 jar
org.apache.xmlgraphics batik-dom 1.7 jar
org.apache.xmlgraphics batik-ext 1.7 jar
org.apache.xmlgraphics batik-parser 1.7 jar
org.apache.xmlgraphics batik-svg-dom 1.7 jar
org.apache.xmlgraphics batik-util 1.7 jar
org.apache.xmlgraphics batik-xml 1.7 jar
org.apache.xmlgraphics xmlgraphics-commons 1.3.1 jar
org.freehep freehep-export 2.1.1 jar
org.freehep freehep-graphics2d 2.1.1 jar
org.freehep freehep-graphicsio 2.1.1 jar
org.freehep freehep-io 2.0.2 jar
org.freehep freehep-swing 2.0.3 jar
org.freehep freehep-util 2.0.2 jar
org.netbeans openide-lookup 1.9-patched-1.0 jar
xml-apis xml-apis 1.3.04 jar
xml-apis xml-apis-ext 1.3.04 jar


The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type
junit junit 3.8.1 jar

Project Dependency Graph

Dependency Tree


Unknown: Unnamed -, Unnamed - jdom:jdom:jar:1.0, Unnamed - org.freehep:freehep-graphicsio-gif:jar:1.2.3, Unnamed - org.netbeans:openide-lookup:jar:1.9-patched-1.0

Apache License, Version 2.0: TestNG

Common Public License Version 1.0: JUnit

The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: AMSFonts, Apache XML Graphics Commons, Batik AWT utilities, Batik CSS engine, Batik DOM implementation, Batik Java2D SVG generator, Batik SVG DOM implementation, Batik SVG microsyntax parser library, Batik XML utility library, Batik animation engine, Batik external code, Batik utility library, CLI, Commons Lang, Commons Logging, Dejavu Fonts, IO, JEuclid Command Line Tools, JEuclid Core Module, JEuclid Distribution, JEuclid FOP Plugin, JEuclid Mathviewer Module, JEuclid SWT Module, STIX Fonts, XML Commons External Components XML APIs, XML Commons External Components XML APIs Extensions

GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2.1: FreeHEP EMF Driver, FreeHEP Export, FreeHEP Graphics2D, FreeHEP GraphicsIO, FreeHEP IO, FreeHEP PDF Driver, FreeHEP PS Driver, FreeHEP SWF (Flash) Driver, FreeHEP Swing, FreeHEP Util

Dependency File Details

Filename Size Entries Classes Packages JDK Rev Debug
AppleJavaExtensions-1.2.jar 4.09 kB 13 7 2 1.1 debug
commons-cli-1.1.jar 35.33 kB 30 22 1 1.3 debug
commons-io-1.3.1.jar 81.65 kB 69 58 4 1.1 debug
commons-lang-2.4.jar 255.67 kB 148 127 9 1.2 debug
commons-logging-1.1.1.jar 59.26 kB 42 28 2 1.1 debug
jdom-1.0.jar 149.66 kB 87 75 8 1.1 debug
junit-3.8.1.jar 118.23 kB 119 100 6 1.1 debug
ams-fonts-1.0.jar 70.86 kB 11 0 0 - release
dejavu-fonts-2.26.jar 2.33 MB 20 0 0 - release
jeuclid-cli-3.1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar 8.61 kB 15 3 2 1.5 debug
jeuclid-core-3.1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar 455.92 kB 323 203 24 1.5 debug
jeuclid-fop-3.1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar 16.55 kB 29 11 2 1.5 debug
jeuclid-mathviewer-3.1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar 55.37 kB 55 37 1 1.5 debug
jeuclid-swt-3.1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar 2.41 kB 12 1 1 1.5 debug
stix-fonts-1.0-beta-2.jar 161.52 kB 9 0 0 - release
batik-anim-1.7.jar 93.08 kB 68 56 3 1.2 debug
batik-awt-util-1.7.jar 392.44 kB 245 222 10 1.2 debug
batik-css-1.7.jar 303.63 kB 254 232 8 1.2 debug
batik-dom-1.7.jar 169.46 kB 132 118 5 1.2 debug
batik-ext-1.7.jar 10.02 kB 21 13 2 1.2 debug
batik-parser-1.7.jar 71.41 kB 68 55 1 1.2 debug
batik-svg-dom-1.7.jar 587.01 kB 473 404 3 1.2 debug
batik-util-1.7.jar 125.28 kB 100 85 5 1.2 debug
batik-xml-1.7.jar 30.12 kB 17 6 1 1.2 debug
xmlgraphics-commons-1.3.1.jar 504.95 kB 334 288 30 1.4 debug
freehep-export-2.1.1.jar 19.54 kB 20 9 1 1.4 debug
freehep-graphics2d-2.1.1.jar 121.33 kB 44 33 2 1.4 debug
freehep-graphicsio-2.1.1.jar 182.53 kB 145 125 8 1.4 debug
freehep-io-2.0.2.jar 63.59 kB 76 65 1 1.4 debug
freehep-swing-2.0.3.jar 210.52 kB 215 132 13 1.4 debug
freehep-util-2.0.2.jar 47.42 kB 44 30 3 1.4 debug
openide-lookup-1.9-patched-1.0.jar 63.23 kB 49 48 4 1.2 debug
testng-5.8-jdk15.jar 823.70 kB 608 494 34 1.5 debug
xml-apis-1.3.04.jar 189.80 kB 344 303 25 1.1 release
xml-apis-ext-1.3.04.jar 83.68 kB 209 192 4 1.1 release
batik-svggen-1.7.jar 210.23 kB 169 157 3 1.2 debug
freehep-graphicsio-emf-2.1.1.jar 166.33 kB 150 136 2 1.4 debug
freehep-graphicsio-gif-1.2.3.jar 25.68 kB 23 15 1 1.4 debug
freehep-graphicsio-pdf-2.1.1.jar 72.35 kB 51 38 1 1.4 debug
freehep-graphicsio-ps-2.1.1.jar 44.91 kB 26 12 1 1.4 debug
freehep-graphicsio-swf-2.1.1.jar 175.86 kB 190 177 1 1.4 debug
Total Size Entries Classes Packages JDK Rev Debug
41 8.44 MB 5,057 4,117 234 1.5 36
compile: 39 compile: 7.52 MB compile: 4,330 compile: 3,523 compile: 194 - compile: 34
test: 2 test: 941.93 kB test: 727 test: 594 test: 40 - test: 2

Dependency Repository Locations

Repo ID URL Release Snapshot Blacklisted
apache.snapshots - Yes -
freehep-maven Yes Yes -
jeuclid-release Yes Yes Yes
Codehaus Yes - -
jeuclid-deps Yes Yes Yes
central Yes Yes -
Codehaus Snapshots - Yes -

Repository locations for each of the Dependencies.

Artifact apache.snapshots freehep-maven Codehaus central Codehaus Snapshots - - - - -
commons-cli:commons-cli:jar:1.1 - - - Found at -
commons-io:commons-io:jar:1.3.1 - - - Found at -
commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.4 - - - Found at -
commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1.1 - - - Found at -
jdom:jdom:jar:1.0 - - - Found at -
junit:junit:jar:3.8.1 - - - Found at -
net.sourceforge.jeuclid:ams-fonts:jar:1.0 - - - Found at -
net.sourceforge.jeuclid:dejavu-fonts:jar:2.26 - - - Found at -
net.sourceforge.jeuclid:jeuclid-cli:jar:3.1.5-SNAPSHOT - - - - -
net.sourceforge.jeuclid:jeuclid-core:jar:3.1.5-SNAPSHOT - - - - -
net.sourceforge.jeuclid:jeuclid-fop:jar:3.1.5-SNAPSHOT - - - - -
net.sourceforge.jeuclid:jeuclid-mathviewer:jar:3.1.5-SNAPSHOT - - - - -
net.sourceforge.jeuclid:jeuclid-swt:jar:3.1.5-SNAPSHOT - - - - -
net.sourceforge.jeuclid:stix-fonts:jar:1.0-beta-2 - - - Found at -
org.apache.xmlgraphics:batik-anim:jar:1.7 - - - Found at -
org.apache.xmlgraphics:batik-awt-util:jar:1.7 - - - Found at -
org.apache.xmlgraphics:batik-css:jar:1.7 - - - Found at -
org.apache.xmlgraphics:batik-dom:jar:1.7 - - - Found at -
org.apache.xmlgraphics:batik-ext:jar:1.7 - - - Found at -
org.apache.xmlgraphics:batik-parser:jar:1.7 - - - Found at -
org.apache.xmlgraphics:batik-svg-dom:jar:1.7 - - - Found at -
org.apache.xmlgraphics:batik-util:jar:1.7 - - - Found at -
org.apache.xmlgraphics:batik-xml:jar:1.7 - - - Found at -
org.apache.xmlgraphics:xmlgraphics-commons:jar:1.3.1 - - - Found at -
org.freehep:freehep-export:jar:2.1.1 - - - - -
org.freehep:freehep-graphics2d:jar:2.1.1 - Found at - - -
org.freehep:freehep-graphicsio:jar:2.1.1 - Found at - - -
org.freehep:freehep-io:jar:2.0.2 - Found at - - -
org.freehep:freehep-swing:jar:2.0.3 - Found at - - -
org.freehep:freehep-util:jar:2.0.2 - Found at - - -
org.netbeans:openide-lookup:jar:1.9-patched-1.0 - Found at - - -
org.testng:testng:jar:jdk15:5.8 - - - Found at -
xml-apis:xml-apis:jar:1.3.04 - - - Found at -
xml-apis:xml-apis-ext:jar:1.3.04 - - - Found at -
org.apache.xmlgraphics:batik-svggen:jar:1.7 - - - Found at -
org.freehep:freehep-graphicsio-emf:jar:2.1.1 - Found at - - -
org.freehep:freehep-graphicsio-gif:jar:1.2.3 - Found at - - -
org.freehep:freehep-graphicsio-pdf:jar:2.1.1 - Found at - - -
org.freehep:freehep-graphicsio-ps:jar:2.1.1 - Found at - - -
org.freehep:freehep-graphicsio-swf:jar:2.1.1 - Found at - - -
Total apache.snapshots freehep-maven Codehaus central Codehaus Snapshots
41 (compile: 39, test: 2) 0 11 0 23 0